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Back E+C- Label for our buildings in Villefranche-sur-Saône (69): we got it!

The environmental performance of our buildings is a priority and a key point in our specifications. As part of the reconstruction of our branch in Villefranche-sur-Saône and the construction of a new building for our offices, the commitment was made: obtaining an E1C1 label whose ambition is to promote and generalize positive energy buildings and low carbon footprint.

As part of the construction of new buildings in Villefranche-sur-Saône (69) in Beaujolais, we have placed the building's environmental performance at the heart of our specifications drawn up with OpenBox.

In fact, as part of Net Zero Carbon, the performance of our buildings in terms of reducing CO2 emissions is more than ever an issue. The commitment was therefore made: getting an E1C1 label for these new offices.

Launched in 2016, the E + C- label is inspired by the carbon energy benchmark, the ambition of which is to promote and generalize positive energy buildings with a low carbon footprint. It is based on a life cycle analysis (LCA) of the building, from its design to its demolition, via the INIES database.

In collaboration with Immasset (AMO), a new design was proposed in a few weeks. OpenBox has therefore studied Etamine's proposals to take into account the necessary adaptations, particularly structural, while respecting the architectural rendering and containing costs. Their responsiveness made it possible to propose a design adapted to reach the goal today: obtaining the label!