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Back What is the situation of the maritime market in January 2022?

In order to help you to understand the numerous disruptions that are impacting the world shipping market, we offer you a summary of the current situation to give you the key points to remember on the main import / export routes that concern you.

Import from Asia to France 

Capacity: It will be reduced from 20% to 50% between weeks 4 and 7. The carriers are still trying to put their vessels back on schedule and are either blanking or omitting calls.
In week 7, the capacity offer is drastically readjusted in view of the Chinese New Year (CNY).
Rate: SCFI remains high, spot rates are either extended or revised upwards until mid-January.
Global situation: The Trade is under extreme pressure in this month of January, the pre CNY demand is increasing, the backlog is substantial and the shortage of equipment is still very strong and this, in a context where the service and capacity offer remains considerably degraded.

Export from France to Asia 

Capacity: Decline in capacity in January 2022. Few equipment problems in the ports but suffering in some inland depots.
Rate: Exit from the North: rates are extended or decrease slightly while in the South, rates stagnate or even increase.
Global situation: The reliability of the services is always at its lowest

Export from France to North America 

Capacity: Port congestion continues to delay vessel rotations, resulting in blank sailings on several services.
Rate: A stability will be observed at the beginning of the quarter, a traditionally slow period.
Global Situation: Equipment availability remains low and delivery times to the US continue to be extended.

Export from France to Oceania 

Capacity: No change on direct services. Decrease in capacity on transhipment services.
Rate: Rate increase in the first quarter of 2022 + Bunker increase.
Global Situation: The situation is always tense on this axis: it is necessary to book in advance (4 weeks minimum).

Export from France to Middle East & India 

Capacity: No change on direct services. Decrease in capacity on transhipment services.
Rate: Stagnation of rates or slight increases due to the Bunker.
Global situation: Change of services of some shipping companies.


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