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Back What is the situation of the maritime market in March 2022?

In order to help you to understand the numerous disruptions that are impacting the world shipping market, we offer you a summary of the current situation to give you the key points to remember on the main import / export routes that concern you.

For more information on a specific trade, our experts are available here to answer you.

Import from Asia to France 

Capacity: Few blank sailings in this month of March, the capacity offer is maximum except in week 13 when it will be reduced by 22%.
Rate: The SCFI is beginning to decline but remains high. Carriers are extending their rates or readjusting them based on their load factors.
Global situation: Post Chinese New Year (CNY) some vessels are not full, especially for carriers that have favored their allocations on the SPOT market. While companies were expecting a strong recovery after the Chinese New Year, the volumes are not there. In particular, the health situation has changed the reopening dates of Asian plants, whose production has restarted very slowly. The equipment situation has improved considerably in Asia, but congestion in Europe remains a reality. 
Many uncertainties remain regarding future demand, given the conflict in Ukraine and the resumption of the Covid-19 epidemic in China.

Export from France to Asia 

Capacity: Decreased capacity in March 2022 due to multiple Blank Sailings. Some equipment problems in ports and inland depots on some shipping lines.
Rate: In the North, rates are falling slightly, while in the South, rates are stagnating.
Global situation: The reliability of the services is always at its lowest.

Export from France to North America 

Capacity: Vessels are full 4 to 6 weeks in advance. Opportunities remain at very high rates. 
Rate: Very large increases (rates and surcharges) are expected in March and April. Record levels will be reached.
Global Situation: Services are severely disrupted and the blockage of the CTA terminal in Hamburg will have rapid repercussions throughout Europe. A lack of equipment is to be feared. Stop bookings and cancellations of stopovers will quickly multiply.

Export from France to Moyen Orient &Inde

Capacity: Decreased capacity in March 2022 due to multiple Blank Sailings. Some equipment problems in ports and inland depots on some shipping lines.
Rate: Rate increase due to bunker.
Global situation: Change of services of some shipping companies.


For more information, contact one of our experts now!